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Bonnie Beacher
Senior Director, Contracts, Copyrights and Permissions
McGraw-Hill Education

PLUS Board Secretary
PLUS Representative Board Member - Publishers
American Association of Publishers (AAP)

Bonnie Beacher has been with McGraw-Hill Education, the publishing division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, since 1991, and has been Director and then Senior Director of its Contracts, Copyrights and Permissions Department since 1994. Her career has been centered on intellectual property and rights licensing issues, including rights acquisition and licensing, publishing agreements, and copyright and trademark administration for all of McGraw-Hill’s book publishing divisions, including elementary, high school, college, assessment, professional and trade publishing. During her career at McGraw-Hill, Ms. Beacher has set policy on rights acquisition and licensing for all content of McGraw-Hill Education’s publications, and has led in licensing negotiations for both print and photo rights. Ms. Beacher serves as the Chairperson for the Association of American Publisher’s Rights and Permissions Advisory Committee, where she has participated in setting industry policies on rights issues as well as planned and moderated numerous conferences on related issues. She is also a member of its Copyright and Campus Education Committees.