Gene Mopsik
Eugene Mopsik, Advocacy Strategist
PLUS Liaison, American Photographic Artists
PLUS Board Vice Chairman
PLUS Financial Oversight Committee
PLUS Representative Board Member - Creators
American Photographic Artists (APA)
Eugene Mopsik has a long and distinguished record as an advocate for photographers and other visual artists and served as the Executive Director of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) from 2003 to 2014
Mopsik made ASMP a leader in current issues such as copyright registration of images, social media terms of service, Orphan Works and the exploration of new business models. Gene has engaged in discussions with the Nielsen Corp., Getty Images, the New York Times regarding their freelance contracts, and he has worked to create new agreements between photographers and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) regarding the rights to images submitted for various AIA competitions. Mopsik has participated in US Patent and Trademark Office hearings on Copyright Policy, Creativity, and Innovation in the Information Economy and delivered papers on Copyright and Collective Licensing at the Columbia University Kernochan Center. Recently he presented testimony to the House Committee on the Judiciary regarding the Role of Copyright, and participated in a symposium at the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology on the Future of Copyright. He has also been active in the creation of strategy for Congressional discussions related to Orphan Works legislation and ASMP’s opposition to the unauthorized scanning related to the Google Book Project. Currently, Mopsik also works with the UK Copyright Hub, ICOMP, and the EU RDI project along with the PLUS Coalition.
Gene currently serves on the boards of the Brooks Institute, the Eddie Adams Workshop and the PLUS (Picture Licensing Universal System) Coalition, and on the Advisory Board of the Young Photographers Alliance (YPA). Prior to his position at ASMP, his career was as a successful Philadelphia corporate/industrial photographer having graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.